- Kyle Grace

Pet Grooming Specialist & Founder

I had shown and had my own kennel for many years. I have taught dog handling and obedience on many occasions. During my dog showing career, I have handled many different breeds of dogs which included all the grooming and preparation involved. For years I have seen so many pets not being groomed because of inflated prices and limited access. My goal is to keep our prices low so everyone has the ability to pamper their furry family members.

- Carla Grace

Pet Grooming Specialist & Founder

Carla has a true love of helping everyone she can, including all our beloved pets. We live in a close net community where neighbours help neighbours which aligns with our motto. "Your dog is always #1". She has owned and looked after pets her whole life and brings her caring personality to our grooming business. Carla is an exceptional groomer and an asset to our community.